Bailouts and Blamelessness

   "Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse."  Proverbs 28:6

As of this post, the financial state of America is less than stellar.  Some would have us to believe that the current economic crisis is so critical that without doing something drastic through government intervention, we very well may be facing "Great Depression: Remix."


There are others, however, that are trying to remind the American people that the way of America has not been in the nationalization of businesses and free markets, and that there are other alternatives to infusing $700 billion dollars of tax-payer money into the markets.  They mention that it may provide a quick solution, but the long term ramifications (not to mention the precedent) will be far more costly.


I am no financial expert - I pay attention - but I am no expert.  That said, it still seems clear that there are systemic reasons for some of the financial fallout that America is experiencing.  It is never only one thing - it has to be many things.  But, attached to those many things is probably one theme that can be highlighted:


The Almighty Dollar is probably the most popular personality in America.  It seems that, for America, it has always been "the economy, stupid" (to borrow a political phrase).  Politicians know this truth, and they do what they need to in order to capitalize on it.  With this over concentration on (or infatuation with) wealth and prosperity comes perversion.  Ethics are compromised, employers/employees act unjustly at times, and we start to see the reality of the timeless truth that "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil" (that's a Scriptural truth by the way - look it up).  It happens on Wall Street and on Main Street.

We need a bailout alright, but not the one where we infuse money into our capitalist system.  We need to be bailed out of our greed and selfishness and find our Rescue in the way of Jesus.  That Way involves the good of all, care for our neighbor, justice for the helpless and voiceless, and a life characterized by open hands instead of closed fists.

Better to be poor and blameless than rich and perverted.  That's what God thinks.  I'm not sure if we really believe that anymore though. 

It's no easy task for our leaders to make these kinds of decisions.  I would simply invite you to pray with me that God would give them wisdom that would surpass selfish agendas and material lust, and would focus on the opportunity to make some fundamental changes in our systems that would be equitable and just.  Pray as well that America would do what Solomon failed to do as King of Israel - use our prosperity and wealth to uphold the cause of righteousness and justice.