Picking sides

"'You are a king, then!' said Pilate.  Jesus answered, 'You are right in saying that I am a king.  In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.  Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.'"  John 18:37

Unless you are from Switzerland, you probably take a side in most matters (no offense to Switzerland by the way...love the place...been there...they just stay neutral on just about everything in world affairs it seems).  Everyone takes a political side - whether that is Republican, Democratic, or independent.  Funny thing, though.....when it comes to the spiritual realm, all of those sides would say that God is on theirs.

Happens in sports all the time.  If you have ever played sports, then you have probably gathered for a pre-game pep up prayer that says something about nobody getting hurt, playing with good sportsmanship, and, oh yeah, winning.  Subconciously, I really think we believe that God is on our side in the game - that we think God has a stake in who wins or something.  But, as I soon learned, the other team thinks the same thing.  So, whose side is God on anyway?

Now that the political races are beyond heated up, and the debates are fully engaged on all fronts, how is it that the Republicans and the Democrats can say that God is on their side?  I know it probably hasn't been stated that forthrightly, but the essence of it has certainly been communicated.  Whose side is God on anyway?

Gets confusing pretty quickly, doesn't it?  Maybe that is because the question is a poor one - a presupposed one - one that really can't be answered accurately or maybe even at all.  The question is not really about whose side God is on, the question is whether or not we are on God's side.

So, where is God's side?  Well, I will offer two words that actually mean the same thing to answer that question:

Truth.  Jesus.

The logic of it would go something like this:  God is on the side of truth.  Jesus is the truth (note John 14:6).  Jesus is God (note the entire New Testament).  Therefore, God, in being on the side of truth is on the side of Jesus.  More specifically, God is on His own side.

Now, my logic may be flawed (wouldn't be the first time).....but my conclusion is not.  Jesus says,  "Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."  That is a big statement with huge implications.  Instead of wanting God to bless my endeavors, whatever they may be, I might first want to ask the question "Am I asking God to be on my side, or am I seeking to join God on His side?"  If I want to be on the side of truth, then I will, by default, be on the side of God.  It's a good beginning point, though I acknowledge how complicated this thought process can be.

Maybe a good place to start - a place to get our feet wet - is in reading the words of Jesus in the Bible.  If we listen to Him - obey Him - we will land squarely on the side of truth.  If not, no matter how impressive we might think our particular thing is, then we can never be sure can we?

Jesus is truth.  Truth is Jesus.  The source of truth is the only sure way to land on the side of truth.